Sometimes life becomes so confusing, you have no clue whom to listen to, whom to respect, whom to love, whom to dislike....who is bad, who is good!!!
Who are we to judge anyone?? But is it so simple not to judge...is it so simple to not voice out against something you dont feel positive about!!??
Respecting someone becomes an issue.....you feel like no one is good enough to be trusted....everyone is nothing but selfish...then why do you have to be so good all the time....why cant i break the rules of the society?? Shout out loud and speak the truth....speak the right things instead of the sweet things....instead of the lovely false words!!
Is it so hard to be yourself?? Is it so hard to be true? Is it so hard to be not nice at times and still not feel bad....but we do feel bad...dont we???
Why is it so tough to become careless though you crave to be.....why is so hard to not think so much...!!
It feels like no one really knows anything....we pretend to know or just believe something others tell us to believe in!!! I want to be free of all this....want to be a free spirit...not anyone else's...only mine....just mine.......I want to watch myself in the mirror and love myself all over again....pick the pieces of me......join them and make them shine....I want to know myself.....I dont want to prove myself...I want to be carefree....
I want to laugh alone....I want to cry alone...I want to think only about myself....I want to be selfish....I want to be left alone.....I wont be lonely i know!
But its so hard.....isnt it??
p.s. I know this post wont make sense to anyone maybe....but I needed to get this out of my system...so do bear with me! I am somehow not in a mood to write about my fun weekend right now...i promise I will be my chirpy self again...need some time...adios!
hey hi sorry couldntleave any comments on previous posts... was a bit busy and off life...i dont know how but i have always found you kinda read me, or probably we share something what I dunno, but most of the times what i feel and I go through, you seem to voice it, Im too in a similar state and specially when your near and dear ones do it its more annoying. kadhi vata te sagla sodun tond ugund spashta bolava pan applya matoshri astaatche aple so called manners remind karayla, you definately cant argue with her after a certain limit...and thts more annoying cause people just get away with this super nonsense behaviour and we are always held back by our parents, husband, friends. We should not say anything just be nice and remain tight closed in ethics of our so called social circle...thanks you wrote this...im feeling relieved.. thanks for getting it out of my system toooooo
Hugggzzzzz sissy.... :)
You need a hug.. It's good to let it all out... A nice warm hug.. Jaadu ki jhappi from my side >:D<>:D<>:D<
And a rose.. @};-
Oh! This face of dear aditi.....you are fine? unknown package it is . everything will be fine. It helps if we let our emotions come out.
Take ur time...i know you will come stronger.
heyy sweetie...u take ur time...have Cadbury fruit n nut or paani puri...Life is good:)
God bless...
Just listen to what your inner self says!
Stay cool.. keep smiling!
Good to see you after a long time....also nice to know that you feel the same and i was able to help in some way!
I know its really hard to keep everyone happy...plus when you know something isnt right....
Thanks bro!
Thanks bro!
Yeah you bet....I got one today evening, it seems my husband read the post too :)
thanks for your warm hugzzy wishes too.....it helps..
Such things come and go in life....I know I gotto see it through....I will..
Yeah I have another side too.....thanks a ton for the words...I will be back stronger...!
Thanks man...I needed to hear those words!!!
Hope you get to feel better soon da...
take care... cheers...
Thanks friend....!
Well this is called frustration...
The best way to deal with this menace is PARTY!!!!!!
And this post doesn't look like a gift to me :D
Twisted Elegance,
Haha...sorry for this post...!
I ll be back with the gift..:P
its totally fine to feel this way, i hope u r feeling better now. :)
It does make a lot of sense to me.
I think somewhere deep down inside everyone of us wants to break free... I wonder why are then we surrounded by hypocrites...
May be some of us just love to stay that way only.
I know...I am much better now....I want to write something nice...but am flooded with too much work.....
Maybe we remain the same old us because we care too about our parents....family....friends....nahh??
I wish one day I can break free!!
Could identify with your spot of bother there... The best thing to do at such times I guess is reflect on good things in life, so that the things that make you think all those low sounding things, recede to the background. Doesn't work all that well for me though. :P Do try!
Thanks a lot for that wonderful piece of advice! :)
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