Wednesday, March 4, 2009


“What most People need to learn in life is how to love people and use things ,instead of using people and loving things.”

I came across this quote....isnt it absolutely true?


Anonymous said...


nice quote yaar

ya exactly reverse happens...we tend to ditch pple and attach ourselves to things ..:(

sad reality

Mads said...

nice quote...but it will remain only as a quote :( reality is farrrrrrr away from this :( :( :(

Dmanisha said...

Good One Aditi... keep posting. its giving food for thoughts.

Aditi..............:) said...

thanks....a really moving quote....i know ....hope things get better someday....i am a dreamer....i hope i am not the only one....:)

joie de vivre said...

sach hai

Unknown said...

that's so true in the materialistic today... if only...