Monday, June 28, 2010

The “Whys” of my life!

I can never understand why…

….Concentrating on nine hours of office work becomes highly impossible at times ….I want to spread my wings more than I am allowed to?

….On an extremely busy day I list in my mind innumerable things I will do when I get some free time….but can remember none when I am free?

….I crave for something which is so far away, and when I get it I am not as happy as I thought I would be?

…..I feel it’s always too late for some stuff in life and too early for some and so miss out on a lot of things?

….I become so impatient when the wait is almost over and ruin the fun a little?

….I keep thinking and thinking so that I can make a right decision, but end up depending on someone else?

….I care a little too much for some things and care too little for some, realizing later that it should have been reverse?

….Its so difficult to be “me” at times?


Anwesa said...

May be thats why life is called a paradox.

Life is Beautiful said...

Very well written, very simple but so true !!! I hope u manage to get some answers to a few " Whys" :)

Aditi..............:) said...


Yeah I guess so!

Aditi..............:) said...


Thanks girl! Yeah and I hope for the same too :-)

neeraj_only said...

well written as always.... and got chance to read you after long always :)

keep smiling....

Rià said...

Thats the irony of life!! Whoever said Life is easy! :)

paramveer said...

thats life..............

vinny said...

hey Aditi:)
kabhi kabhi Aditi...

n i thought that it was difficult being 'me'....good to know its the same with u..hehehhehee:)

i especially like - "I crave for something which is so far away, and when I get it I am not as happy as I thought I would be?"

Aditi..............:) said...
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Aditi..............:) said...


So sweet of always :-)

Aditi..............:) said...


Yeah!! I know!

Aditi..............:) said...


True, thanks for visiting my blog! :-)


Thanks for visiting after god know how long! Glad to know you are still there around the blog world! Start writing again...plzzz !! :-)

Ankita said...


Tanishka... said...

Vry beautifully written... I could actually relate to every line....